Posts in 2016

  • SIG-ClusterOps: Promote operability and interoperability of Kubernetes clusters

    Tuesday, April 19, 2016 in Blog

    Editor’s note: This week we’re featuring Kubernetes Special Interest Groups; Today’s post is by the SIG-ClusterOps team whose mission is to promote operability and interoperability of Kubernetes clusters -- to listen, help & escalate. We think …

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  • SIG-Networking: Kubernetes Network Policy APIs Coming in 1.3

    Monday, April 18, 2016 in Blog

    Editor’s note: This week we’re featuring Kubernetes Special Interest Groups; Today’s post is by the Network-SIG team describing network policy APIs coming in 1.3 - policies for security, isolation and multi-tenancy. The Kubernetes network SIG has …

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  • How to deploy secure, auditable, and reproducible Kubernetes clusters on AWS

    Friday, April 15, 2016 in Blog

    Today’s guest post is written by Colin Hom, infrastructure engineer at CoreOS, the company delivering Google’s Infrastructure for Everyone Else (#GIFEE) and running the world's containers securely on CoreOS Linux, Tectonic and Quay. Join us at CoreOS …

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  • Container survey results - March 2016

    Friday, April 08, 2016 in Blog

    Last month, we had our third installment of our container survey and today we look at the results. (raw data is available here) Looking at the headline number, “how many people are using containers” we see a decrease in the number of people currently …

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  • Adding Support for Kubernetes in Rancher

    Friday, April 08, 2016 in Blog

    Today’s guest post is written by Darren Shepherd, Chief Architect at Rancher Labs, an open-source software platform for managing containers. Over the last year, we’ve seen a tremendous increase in the number of companies looking to leverage …

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  • Configuration management with Containers

    Monday, April 04, 2016 in Blog

    Editor’s note: this is our seventh post in a series of in-depth posts on what's new in Kubernetes 1.2 A good practice when writing applications is to separate application code from configuration. We want to enable application authors to easily employ …

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  • Using Deployment objects with Kubernetes 1.2

    Friday, April 01, 2016 in Blog

    Editor's note: this is the seventh post in a series of in-depth posts on what's new in Kubernetes 1.2 Kubernetes has made deploying and managing applications very straightforward, with most actions a single API or command line away, including rolling …

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  • Kubernetes 1.2 and simplifying advanced networking with Ingress

    Thursday, March 31, 2016 in Blog

    Editor's note: This is the sixth post in a series of in-depth posts on what's new in Kubernetes 1.2. Ingress is currently in beta and under active development. In Kubernetes, Services and Pods have IPs only routable by the cluster network, by …

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  • Using Spark and Zeppelin to process big data on Kubernetes 1.2

    Wednesday, March 30, 2016 in Blog

    Editor's note: this is the fifth post in a series of in-depth posts on what's new in Kubernetes 1.2 With big data usage growing exponentially, many Kubernetes customers have expressed interest in running Apache Spark on their Kubernetes clusters to …

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  • Building highly available applications using Kubernetes new multi-zone clusters (a.k.a. 'Ubernetes Lite')

    Tuesday, March 29, 2016 in Blog

    Editor's note: this is the third post in a series of in-depth posts on what's new in Kubernetes 1.2 Introduction One of the most frequently-requested features for Kubernetes is the ability to run applications across multiple zones. And with good …

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